Scrolling endlessly through social media has become a daily routine for most of us. We check in for updates, connect with friends and get a glimpse into the seemingly perfect lives of others. However, what if this habit is silently affecting your mental health?
Indeed, social media’s impact on mental health goes deeper, it can be a breeding ground for stress, anxiety, and even depression. Here is why hitting “like” might be hurting your mental health.
The Comparison Trap
- To begin with, social media feeds are often curated, people post their vacations, their happiest moments, and their most impressive achievements. Consequently, this constant need of “perfection” can trigger a comparison game.
- As a result, we start comparing our everyday lives to those carefully crafted online pictures, leading to inadequacy and low self-esteem. This can be particularly harmful for teenagers and young adults whose identities are still forming.
Fear of missing out (FOMO)
- Moreover, social media thrives on FOMO (Fear of missing out). We see friends attending exciting events, traveling to exotic locations, or enjoying vibrant lives. This constant feeling of missing out can fuel anxiety and make us feel isolated even when surrounded by people.
Online harassment

- Social media isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. Bullies can hide behind their screens, sending obscene messages and rumours that can make you feel isolated and down.
- This online harassment can be relentless, hurting your self-esteem and leading to anxiety or depression. Remember, you’re not alone. If someone is being mean online, don’t hesitate to block them and talk to a trusted adult or a mental health professional.
Sleep disturbance
- In addition, the blue light from phones and laptops tricks your body into thinking it’s daytime, affecting the sleep hormones. Thus, the night-time scrolling can leave you tossing and turning, affecting your mood and energy the next day.
- To combat this, power down electronics an hour before bed for better sleep and a brighter day!
- Social media is a platform of thumbs-up highs. Every “like” triggers a dopamine rush, making us feel good, for a moment. But the real trouble starts when the “likes” dry up.
- Consequently, the feelings of happiness are replaced by disappointment and feelings of inadequacy. This constant need of validation can mess with our self-esteem, leaving us wondering: are we worthy only of clicks?
How to Protect your Mental Health in the Age of Social Media?
Digital timer

- Set time limits for scrolling and social media usage. Take breaks throughout the day to disconnect and engage in real world activities.
Customize your feed
- Unfollow accounts that make you feel bad about yourself or trigger negative emotions. Instead, follow accounts that inspire you, motivate you, and promote positive mental well-being.
Focus on real life connections
- Don’t let social media replace in-person interactions. Make time for face-to-face conversations, spend time with loved ones, and engage in activities you enjoy.
Seek Professional Help

- If you find that social media use is significantly affecting your mental health, causing anxiety, depression, or overwhelming stress, don’t hesitate to seek help. A therapist can provide you with tools and strategies to manage your social media use and improve your overall well-being.
Download the Saksham app today. Saksham offers a variety of tools and resources to help you monitor your mental well-being and develop healthy habits for a happier, more balanced you.